This happens in education too as we help our kids increase their learning in one area while another gets shoved aside. So many times we look at those other project spots and only see the undone corners and the unlearned facts and pieces of knowledge that still need to be planted or hedged up or trimmed.
It is easy to look back over a school year and see all of the piles of things we didn’t get to or didn’t quite get finished the way that we had planned. My clue for today is to remind you that amidst the rubble of life and learning, there are often unexpected roses that are somehow planted and unintentionally nourished along the way. Then somewhere along the journey, they miraculously bloom and bring forth gorgeous unexpected roses. They may be smaller than expected or a different color than you would have picked but they are beautiful in their own way.
With kids, it is also good to remember that when they start to blossom and bloom in their own gardens, let them do it. Help them pull the weeds around their roses and talents and give them room and time to grow even if the garden that they are nourishing doesn’t fit the landscaping plan you may have had for them when they started out. Another clue is to remember that some plants or talents take a lot of time before the roses start to bud so for some gardens and some children we need more patience than for others.
So as you look back over this past school year, remember to find and celebrate the unexpected roses along with the expected ones. Look for those unexpected successes and talents that may have popped up and give them credit and space to grow. My guess is that the unexpected ones will be stronger and more hardy than the expected ones. They had to grow and develop in spite of everything else and they will be stronger for it. My unexpected roses will be given their own special spot in my garden and will be cherished a little more than the ones in my rose garden where I expected roses to bloom.
Regardless of whether your roses from this past year were expected or unexpected, there is great beauty there and I hope it makes you smile to see them blossom.